Thursday, December 27, 2007


i was thinking,y is it that while somewhere there blooms joy and somewhere remains barren sadness...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

why's and how's

life...we talk about it,think about it,fight for it,sometimes lose it..sometimes to others ,sometimes to uncertainty,sometime to those far skies above...we cry for it,try to do it RIGHT, and we try to live it..
but how does one know that one is in the right in life.that now is the right time to sit back...or its time to retreat...or be hasty..or grab...let it scared....happy.....
how do we know when we are doing and what we are doing is in the right...
how do we make sure that we dont do we ensure our endeavours dont fail..our tasks achieve fulfilled success...our decisions gain unconquested victory...and our actions dont fall flat,and only to make us hear...the dreadful "i told u so" do we protect ourselves from being and doing wrong....????
moreover wher will we find our the remains of the paths undertaken by those before our hearts n the will of others...
who will give us our answers???