Friday, November 30, 2007


a friend told me that uncertainty is a blessing from the gods...a silent message willing u to go as far as your desire takes.many tell me i m a dreamer,that my approach to books is very storybook-ish...well,for someone with a storybookish thinking,my friends thought stuck with me and sounded pretty optimistic.

its certainly a way to think ....and requires lot of faith n self confidence to decide that uncertainty is a blessing(even if in disguise)atleast i think so...its not for the weak for sure.....takes courage...

come to think of it,life is what we make of it...the good,bad n ugly...and we decide which course to take n remember the consequences n be equipped for the rollercoaster ride....and i can tell u ,u pal r on the right track...and that is ur fairytale...its about u,ur desires,decisions and your faith in u that u will face it and shine.....and not about smooth,bumpfree ride....god dint plan it that way for us and its for the best

so friend i think u r right....uncertainty is indeed a gift.....coz its not hopelesness...infact its about a road ahead n u get to choose which direction u want to take...even if its in reverse gear....
so all the best to all for their beautiful journey ahead....

1 comment:

Joy deep Majumder said...

Interesting topic !!

Well i cant comment on "it" being sent by god or being a evolved aethist :)

But i can say this..only the stronger people are faced with uncertainities..because they can deal with the surprise element...

stronger people ..when faced with uncertainities...see option 1..option 2..etc....and choose the best from it..

The weaker people...mostly black out take "flight"